Photo of Beaver Creek that was altered with the Luminar Neon plug-in (brightness far and accent AI effects), then the Exposure X7 plug-in (Fuji Pro 1600 effect as well as complementary red and green effect), then the Exposure X7 plug-in (golden hour orange effect), then the Luminar Neon plug-in (sky enhancer AI and brightness far effects), then the Exposure X7 plug-in (bright sun effect), then Topaz DeNoise AI, then the Exposure X7 plug-in (color wash blue and orange effects as well as saturation adjustment), then the Luminar Neon plug-in (color contrast and foliage effects), then the Exposure X6 plug-in (landscape pop effect as well as saturation and clarity brushes), then FotoSketcher (oil pastel effect), then the Exposure X7 plug-in (light and airy and central clarity effects as well as saturation and luminosity adjustments), then the Luminar Neon plug-in (supercontrast effect), then the ON1 Photo 10 plug-in (vibrance brush), and then the Exposure X6 plug-in (saturation and luminance adjustments). The original photo by Bob Wick for the Bureau of Land Management is licensed under CC BY 2.0.. Full-size JPEG image download on Flickr.