Public domain photo of a Samurai in the mid-nineteenth century that was altered with the Topaz DeJPEG plug-in, then the Topaz DeNoise plug-in, then the Perfect Exposure plug-in (gentle boost effect), then the ON1 Photo 10 plug-in (grunge effect), then Topaz Clarity plug-in (desaturated warm edge effect), then the Topaz Clean plug-in (skin even effect), then the Topaz Detail plug-in (skin smoothing effect), then the Photoshop paintbrush, then the Topaz ReStyle plug-in (black and dark ash grey effect), then the Nik Color Efex Pro 4 plug-in (darken/lighten center effect; base image), then the Topaz Impression plug-in on the base image (color sketch 1 type 14 effect), then Topaz Clarity plug-in (portrait effect; color sketch image), then the Topaz Impression plug-in on the base image (custom chalk and charcoal preset type 8; chalk and charcoal image), then the color sketch image was overlaid and merged with the chalk and charcoal image, and then the Photoshop paintbrush. Public domain image by Felice Beato courtesy of the Metropolitan Museum of Art’s Open Access program. High-resolution JPEG image download on Flickr.