Public domain photo of Center Basin in the southern Sierra Nevada in California that was altered with the Topaz Clarity plug-in (landscape pop effect), then the Topaz Clean plug-in (flat and soft effect), then the Topaz ReStyle plug-in (cold mountain morning effect), then the Topaz Impression plug-in (wispy sketch 3 stroke 14 effect), then the Topaz Clarity plug-in (morning dew effect), then the Alien Skin Exposure X2 plug-in (contrast, saturation, tone, and vibrance adjustments), then the Photoshop paintbrush, then the Alien Skin Exposure X2 plug-in (saturation and clarity brushes), then the Photoshop paintbrush, then the Alien Skin Exposure X2 plug-in (highlight adjustment), then the ON1 Photo 10 plug-in (angel glow effect), then the Topaz ReStyle plug-in (indigo dusk effect), then the Topaz ReStyle plug-in (night on fire effect), and then the Alien Skin Exposure X2 plug-in (corner 1 effect, dodging, as well as saturation and tone adjustments). Public domain image by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Full-size JPEG image download on Flickr.