Public domain photo of street musicians in Paris in the late nineteenth century that was altered with the Photoshop paintbrush, then the Topaz DeJPEG plug-in, then the Topaz DeNoise plug-in, then DxO Optics Pro (smart lighting and microcontrast adjustments), then the Alien Skin Exposure plug-in (Fuji Reala film effect), then the Topaz Clarity plug-in (cityscape effect), then the Alien Skin Exposure X2 plug-in (crush blacks and clarity adjustments), then the Topaz Adjust plug-in (dodging; base image), then the AKVIS Sketch plug-in on the base image (detailed sketch effect; sketch image), then the Topaz Impression plug-in on the base image (charcoal 1 type 8 effect set to solid; charcoal image), then the sketch image was overlaid and merged with the charcoal image, then the Topaz ReStyle plug-in (black and dark ash grey effect), then the Photoshop paintbrush, then the Alien Skin Exposure X2 plug-in (dodging and vignette effect), then the Topaz Adjust plug-in (burning), then the ON1 Photo 10 plug-in (sun glow effect), and then the Topaz Adjust plug-in (dodging). Public domain image by Eugene Atget courtesy of the Metropolitan Museum of Art’s Open Access program.